Posts Tagged ‘filet mignon’

Filet mignon with port-cini redux

January 26, 2009

The method was inspired by Mike’s success with broiling steaks inside since I am usually a fan of grilling.  Except in the middle of January.  

1. Get a cast iron skillet hot as hell.  Make sure the steaks are about room temperature and well coated with olive oil and a little salt.  Also preheat broiler to 400 degrees and throw the broiler pan in there to heat up.

2. Put the steaks on each side for about two minutes.  Transfer to broiler pan and forget about the steaks for about 15 minutes for medium rare.  After this pull them out and cover briefly with foil as the sauce finishes.

3. Add about a Tbsp of butter to the skillet and brown up a chopped shallot and one garlic clove chopped finely.  As these get translucent, add a handful of porcini chopped finely.  Deglaze with about a third cup of port.  Reduce by about half with a half cup of the mushroom soaking liquid (or bullion if you used fresh).

4. This makes a very thin pan sauce, if you wanted something thicker adding a little bit of cream just before pouring over the steaks would be a rich touch, or stirring in a standard flour and oil roux.  Just be sure to whisk the hell out of it.

Villa Antinori Toscana 2004 was a great accompaniment (you want “earthy” with this one) and braised greens a good side dish as well.