Posts Tagged ‘pilaf’

Basic Rice Pilaf (2-star = Food)

January 8, 2009

Somebody must be able to tell me how to make a proper rice pilaf.  I’ve eaten good pilaf, but never made one that wasn’t terribly boring.  Here’s an example of the boring pilaf I tried today.  It’s a start, I suppose.  I didn’t expect it to be great, given the ingredients, but com’on, really boring.


  • 1 C rice
  • 1/4 large onion, diced; similar amounts diced carrot and celery
  • salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste (about 1 t each).
  • 1 T olive oil
  • broth (& water) to cook the rice


  1. Over medium-high heat in a pot with a tight lid large enough to cook the rice, season and soften the veggies in the olive oil for a few minutes.
  2. Add the dry rice to the pot and toast it for a few minutes until it begins to smell nutty.
  3. Add enough broth to cook the rice (finish off with water if necessary). Cook rice for required time (20 minutes white, up to 50 minutes wild).

Came out boring. Could use more onion, maybe butter instead of olive oil, add peas, and some parsley maybe. Research needs to be done.